Russell Reece

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Nice Comments About My Work:

Delaware Press Association 

    Poetry judge, upon selecting Spring at Dames Quarter as the 1st place winner for single poem in the 2015 Communications Contest. 

   "...a poem that swells with such meaningful strangeness, vivid imagery, confident pacing and a willingness to follow the music of its own making. There are many pleasures here.

    Fiction judge, upon selecting The Mud Lake Trilogy as 2nd place winner for short-story collection.

            "... Russell Reece is a fine writer... I would not hesitate to pick up another of his works."


Elise Juska, author of several novels including, The Blessings, in her April 2014 book-jacket quote for The Mud Lake Trilogy,    

            "Russell Reece excels at writing stories about creepy guys in cars. Here are three good ones."


MJ Fievre, author of numerous books in French and several anthologies, in the opening of her November 17, 2013 interview, "Who is Russell Reece?"

            "Russell Reece's story, "Come on, Harold" is one of the gems in All That Glitters."


David Willson, Vietnam Veterans of America, in his February 11, 2013 review of the anthology, Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors,

    "My favorite piece in the book is Russell Reece's Vietnam war story, "In Less Than a Minute." It's an up-river Mekong journey into the heart of darkness that was the Vietnam War, just 7 pages but more memorable and powerful than dozens of full-length Vietnam War novels I have read."


Sheri Reynolds, author of several novels including, The Rapture of Canaan, an Oprah book club selection, on picking "The Train Show" as the winning entry in the 2009 Delaware Beach Life writing contest,

     "I admire the story's pacing and the way this writer manages time, moving easily between summary and well-choreographed scenes. This writer moves gracefully between humorous moments and serious ones."


Page last updated  07/23/2020